Wandavision episode 7 Nexus commercial: breakdown

This commercial might have something to do with the Nexus of all reality.in the comic the Nexus is a cross-dimentional gateway which provides a pathway to any and all possible realities this includes realities between realities it is unknown whether it was created by some being but we know that it is protected by kaddmon Adam who was the man-thing it might be the one place where all realities naturally intersect with that being said Westview could be a lot more than what we thought it was it might be the Nexus of reality hence why we have the presence of the primordial force Wanda or whoever is doing this is using to make the anomaly or hex. The "Nexus" in the commercial is geared towards women who felt the world had gone on without them and who desperately wanted to be left alone, according to the ad Nexus is "a unique antidepressant that works to anchor you back to your reality or the reality of your choice. The ad also warns that the Nexus has some dramatic side e...